Now Update



Reading time:

1 minute

I’m back home in Singapore and have been for about a month now. I came back mainly for 2 reasons: get the sinovac vaccine and see my friends and family. The bonus is that I got to celebrate Chinese New Year too after… 3 years? It was nice seeing my aunties, uncles, cousins and grandpa.

I’ll be returning to Tasmania soon, although I have not booked my tickets. I miss training with the legacy BJJ team, and am looking forward resuming regular trainings there!

I’ve applied for a 3-year postdoc position with IMAS, applications closed on 16 Jan but I haven’t heard back from them.

Projects I’m working on now:

  • Creating a productivity system with Notion, implementing a mix of GTD, PARA and Atomic Habits concepts.
  • Reading and researching crypto
  • Still working on the elephant seal weaner paper 😵‍💫
  • Still trying to get my exposure paper on New Zealand sea lion pups published (constant rejection 😭)

If I don’t get the post-doc I’m gonna focus on learning code for web3, although I’ll also have to find some sources of income to live for a bit ha – hoping that could be through working in a DAO somehow.

Current audiobook: Effortless by Grey Mckeown

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