I just did a 10 h drive from Melbourne to Adelaide. About to start fieldwork on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Listened to a lot of podcasts during the drive. In one of them Joe Rogan talks about his latest bow-hunting trip in Hawaii.
Joe Rogan is good with words, describing things, and creating the scene in his audience’s imagination in detail. He has probably developed that skill from being a stand-up comedian and consuming his company’s (Onnit) brain supplement (Alpha brain).
He spoke of how you gotta pay attention to a lot of little details when hunting a deer. I could relate. Gotta be aware of stepping on sticks, noise, sight, smell, the heart beat increasing, the build up of the shot/releasing the arrow, taking hours to get into a good position, the this-is-it-don’t-fuck-it-up moment. It was similar to what I’ve experienced with trying to catch a seal. The only difference is that I think it’s more challenging when you want to keep your “prey” alive, and your animal is part-land, part-sea animal. That’s all.

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