How I spent my short time back in Singapore



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4 minutes

I took a break from uni after finishing my undergrad in Tasmania. I spent the past 5 months back at home in Singapore. I was initially unsure of how I would handle being back in Singapore for more than a month – I usually only come back for a few weeks every year while studying abroad. But time went by pretty fast, and I’m leaving Singapore again soon, but I’m neither excited or sad, just content 🙂


Here’s a list of things I did, noticed, had thoughts about while I’m back home:


So. much sweat. So. much. laundry.

I was looking forward to the warmth on this sunny island, as Tasmania’s summer was a fail this year, but I was wary about the humidity. I don’t like it. I had a load of laundry to do every 2 days, as compared to my laundry once every week (sometimes every fortnight… wwwhat?) in Tasmania. There were some days where I found myself being so bothered about the heat and humidity, 34 degrees celsius and 100% humidity is absolutely SHIT! Singapore’s weather is gonna get more fucked in years to come because of global warming, and considering that the environment can be a major influencer on people’s behaviour… plus population is gonna increase… yeah things don’t look too good. I foresee people’s attitude towards one another getting more intolerant, but I may be wrong.


Stay away from the city and get on some side projects!

I dislike going into shopping malls and seeing the consumerist side of Singapore that is flooded along the streets in the city. I did not step foot onto Orchard road at all when I was back in Singapore. Thank goodness. Instead, I did:


Successfully finished aquaponics and vertical garden project

Check it! I used tools to cut and drill things! :O #handy







The finished product!

upcycling: vertical wooden pallet garden.


upcycling: aquaponics


Also grew some healthy tomato plants from seed! Was a hot day…



Learnt Illustrator to make some vegan t-shirt designs:

Quite fun hahahahahaha #illustrator #vegan #801010 #highcarblowfat #plantbaseddiet #bananagirldiet #durianrider

A photo posted by Dahlia Foo (@stolenbananas) on Apr 4, 2015 at 6:31am PDT



Working at the float shop: check yo self before you wreck yo self.

Keep meditating, internal reflection is important, and surround yourself with inspiring people – my awesome brother. Give floatation therapy a shot if you haven’t!




Picked up a new activity: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

See my previous post here!


Met up with online vegan friends and local cycling group! 

Me on a ride with a fellow vegan:


Local night cycling group in Singapore.



Cycling on the roads of Singapore

In addition, I probably only took public transport less than 10 times while I was in Singapore, and I don’t drive around. I was mostly cycling every where, the furthest I went was from east coast park to orchid country club in yio chu kang. Plus, on the ride back it was pouring rain. I’m now much more confident riding in traffic. The first time was daunting, but you got to start somewhere or you won’t start at all. Just do it! The biggest worry I had riding on the roads was being too slow and blocking cars, but you know what, if the old uncles and aunties who HAVE to rely on the bicycle to get places or carry heavy loads can ride on the road without giving a fuck, then I can as well. It only takes a few seconds of the driver’s time to overtake bicycles, so really, there’s no excuse not for them to be patient as long you are not being a complete idiot. Also, the best moments of riding was when the traffic was so heavy that cars move inches at a time while you can easily wave through them like a boss. Another perk of riding is that traffic laws don’t and shouldn’t apply to you, traffic lights are made for motor vehicles.




Hanging out with my bitches

Friends I couldn’t do without in my life

My favourite bitches


Chillin’ mah mateeee (straya version):


Bringing aussie sense of humour to melaka babeh


Ate myself silly of durian. All hail the king of fruits! 

I’ve watched videos on youtube of white people hating durian, I feel so sorry for them.

you jelly brah?




Special random mentions:

Lame “hipster” cafes.

While it’s great that we have more local cafes opening up and competing with the major franchises like Starbucks, Coffee bean etc, but every hipster-looking cafe I have visited had no option of soy milk instead of regular milk. DA FUQ? Because cow’s milk and not soy milk is part of Asian’s diet in history right…? I’m all about supporting the small guy, but the small guys here suck! How can they have such a huge focus on their coffee/tea drinks and not have soy milk so I can enjoy a soy chai latte? Plus all these cafes all have this woody, rustic feel in their cafe, promoting a homely, maybe a bit eco-conscious kind of values, yeah aren’t hipsters supposed to sorta give a shit about the environment, but they no soy milk. Lame.


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