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  • Another new year.

    Somehow it feels more like just another day has ticked over compared to last year.

    A bit softer.

    That doesn’t sit too well with me.

    I like to feel like there needs to be inspirational and motivational background music playing as I cross the new year.

    More rahh rahh! But doesn’t seem so this year.

    I have done some reflecting in my head and got some short-term goals.

    I usually write it down. Haven’t.

    I’ve already started on a old habit I wanna restore though – rolling on the ball in the morning.

    I’m not doing enough recovery work compared to the amount of jiu jitsu I do.

    So I wanna change that.

    I’m also back in tassie for a short while.

    Travel breaks my routine.

    Sometimes that makes me anxious.

    I wanna be back at my computer setup doing my thang.

    But let’s be real, dahlia… there is NO RUSH.

    Never in a hurry.

    Slowing down can be useful.

    It builds up pent up desire to do work that I’d probably be doing sub-optimally at 60-70% because I let work fill the space I give it.

    Parkinson’s law.

    Work expands to fill the time given to complete it.

    I’m hanging out with people during this holiday season!

    … being social with K’s family and our friends in Tassie.

    We hung out with Luvi and his friends last night. Luvi was our landlord in tassie who we found on gumtree.

    He’s a net positive in our lives.

    He’s a magnet for cool and positive vibes people.

    They tend to gather around him or he brings them together.

    Mingling with his friends is easy.

    Because the host, luvi, is a certain way. And if you’re invited to luvi’s place to hang, you behave a certain way.

    And because everyone who’s in luvi’s circle meets other cool people, when you see someone new or unfamiliar, you can kinda start interacting at a higher level.

    You’re not afraid to ask cliche questions like “what do you do?”.

    Yeah I’m afraid of small talk.

    I fear I’m asking an inconvenient boring question to the other person and now they gotta spend energy to answer this FAQ.

    Maybe in the future when we all have AR glasses we’ll look at someone and see in our heads-up display (HUD) all their FAQs.

    And we’ll communicate by telepathy.

    Anyway, last night we had great conversations, and laughed a lot from playing poetry for neanderthals (bad words edition).

    Learnt new things about multi-universe theory and international fisheries policing.

    Did you know… that sea shepherd – the non-profit organisation that started off as a vigilante fishing police – is now the actual police of the ocean for illegal fishing.

    There’s no UN illegal fishing police vessel out there to enforce rules so nations actually report suspicious activity to sea shepherd, and they go and chase the illegal boat around the world.

    fking wild.

    Anyway. Despite feeling like I entered the new year “soft” and slow and it’s not sitting well with me. Experiences like last night are signs to me that hey… you’ll be alright.

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