
Stand out by being yourself



Reading time:

2 minutes

The gym I train at is modest compared to the bigger ones. We don’t boast the newest facilities or the fanciest setup. We’re a no-frills, unpretentious community.

The old members stay because they get it.

We don’t start classes on time. Members usually come late, teaching others to do the same. It’s a vicious cycle.

So, we might not make the best first impression on newcomers, and new member growth is slow.

When a new guy recently joined our jiu jitsu gym, I was intrigued. He wasn’t new to jiu jitsu; he had trained elsewhere.

I asked him about his experience and why he chose us.

He had taken a year-long break, trying out different gyms, even one that’s super popular and close by.

“Oh, you tried out at Other gym? Didn’t like it?”

“Nah, they felt too serious.”

“And why did you join us?”

“I dunno. I tried out and liked the vibe. You guys are friendly and chill.”

Huh. Lol.

So, this guy came for a trial class and saw that we don’t start on time, the place is small, the mats aren’t the newest, and we don’t do traditional warm-ups (which I actually love).

But he probably noticed our high-quality teaching and highly technical coach. Our price was affordable, and the location was convenient with a direct bus to the gym.

He thought, this is the place for me.

It made me realise that we shouldn’t feel self-conscious or think we’re not good enough. We just need to attract the right people (which is a marketing problem…). There’s always someone out there that is your tribe.

The saying goes, “If you try to please everyone, you please no one.”

p.s. This lesson applies to many areas in life—whether it’s business, personal relationships, or hobbies. Authenticity and finding the right fit are key.

p.p.s. BJJ = brazilian jiu jitsu

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